Strong Mind
This is a popular choice for beginners in the gym who want to learn the fundamentals. Often the more experienced go for this option to work on specific technique points or for an individualised plan.
This is fantastic for those who want to work out with friends or simply want to save a bit of money and work in a group environment. Expect to feel motivated and high energy!
Do you want to start of your journey to fitness with a friend? One-to-two personal training still has a individual touch, plus you get to enjoy your workouts with a friend a cut down the cost from one-to-one.
Been at the gym for a while but still haven’t seen the results you want?
Sometimes all you need is an extra push and someone to stay accountable to. A lot of the time we fall into the trap of FAD diets and quick fixes to try and achieve our goals. The principle of weight loss and muscle gain is so simple, yet can be so difficult to achieve.
Why not try online training?
With personalised gym and home workout guides alongside nutritional advice, you could be well on your way to getting your summer body this year.
The programmes I write for you will always be 4-week programmes. This will be so that you do not get bored of your programme and we are constantly switching it up to keep your body changing. Alongside the programmes you will receive your calories and macronutrients, alongside a mini recipe book.
When you enrol in Online Personal Training, one of the benefits you get from it is a weekly check-in. Accountability is key when you are getting results, and therefore, every week you will check back in with me and let me know how you got on with your training, diet and lifestyle. This is where we can discuss whether there’s anything you like or dislike and we can adjust your programme accordingly.
You will also be entitled to a 20 minute phone call or Skype call which we will book in at the start of every week when it suits you. This again will help with accountability and it will help me to make sure your programme and nutrition is working for you.
With a female personal trainer in Glasgow, strength training has so many benefits for the body and therefore will be at the core of your training programme. Strength training is so beneficial for many reasons. It will help to strengthen up your joints and bones, which is very helpful as you get older.
But most importantly, if your goals are losing fat or building muscle, you will continue to shock your body week by week. Strength training allows you to push the boundaries of what you are used to session by session, which will force your body to adapt and change which will take you closer to your goals.
Many women at first are hesitant to focus on building strength because they are scared it will result in a bulky physique. The truth is, strength goes a long way to helping you lose fat in a sustainable way. From consistent strength training, you will see the key areas of your body starting to tone up. It’s actually very hard for ladies to become ‘too bulky’ and would require unbelievable dedication over many years.
Fat loss is a long game, and it’s important to realise this from a personal trainer Glasgow. Fad diets lead to yoyo dieting; losing weight for a couple of months then piling back on, then doing the same again. Taking a slow, steady approach will allow you to lose the weight over a longer period of time and keep it off. This can be achieved by making small changes biweekly to make your diet and lifestyle healthier but sustainable.
In the fitness industry, there is currently an obsession with body building and creating the perfect physique. For many people the lifestyle it requires to get a body like the ones you see on Instagram is simply unachievable. I believe that its just as important to build confidence and happiness from within as it is to build the physique you want. I will give you training sessions and a programme that is challenging yet satisfying for you to complete. This will help to build your confidence in yourself and allow you to see changes weekly (whether it be your physique or the weights you are lifting).
They key to effectively losing fat isn’t so much in the tactics or exercises you will learn, but more of a shift in mindset. Try to be patient and view the process without and ‘end point’. It can be hard to look at losing fat this way, especially if you’re currently unhappy with the way you look. If you trust the process and take small, consistent steps forward then you’ll be in a much better position to not only look great, but feel happy with your results.
It’s important to love what you do, as it changes the perception from having to do something to wanting to do it. I’m my Glasgow personal training sessions, I try to steer away from super quick results, and focus changes which will be more sustainable. You should make sure you have balance within your life, and you are doing what you enjoy. If you live a strictly healthy life, it can be hard to enjoy moments with loved ones without feeling guilt. Everyone can enjoy meals out, holidays and lazy days without feeling bad about it, you simply need to adopt some balance into your life.
The problem with hard and fast diets isn’t that they won’t work quickly, but more so that they are not usually sustainable. Why is this? In one respect, being so hard on yourself with food will only make you crave more and want what you can’t have. The other aspect is that when you hit your ‘end point’, say that’s a 12 week fat loss programme, then you are far more likely to revert back to old habits. Instead, you should aim to make minor adjustments to your diet and nutrition for the best results in the gym.
One of the most important aspects of going to fitness classes in Glasgow is feeling confident and comfortable. You need to feel in control of what you are doing, as it is easy to be disheartened if you feel like people are watching or judging you, especially as a female. This is why I put a huge focus on making sure that you have a good technique in my exercise classes Glasgow, so that when you are to train on your own, you can feel happy and confident that you know what you are doing. I will run through a variety of strength building exercises for your whole body so that you can always have a choice in your training, and keep it fun and different.